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Friday 6 April 2012

After all, garden sheds are supposed to be a bit messy, aren’t they?

Currently I work a number of days on and a number of days off.

Don’t get me wrong, when I work, the days can be pretty long and I work (on every second week a Wednesday) every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s actually quite good on my days off as it gives me chance to do stuff.

It can be really good, but there are times when I get bored.

Fine, we all get bored, but I don’t get bored that often, so when I do, I feel that I am letting myself down for getting bored in the first place.

Normally when I do get bored I will go out for a walk and enjoy nature and the fantastic scenery or I’ll work in the garden. If the weather is bad I usually have enough to do inside to keep me occupied.

I may also read, write, watch television or DVDs. I may listen to music, the radio or audio books. All of which keeps my mind occupied. Sometimes though, I need something else to get the ‘little grey cells’ agitated.

It was on one of these ‘a bit bored’ days that I was tidying up the garden shed when I came upon something I thought would alleviate the boredom. After all, garden sheds are supposed to be a bit messy, aren’t they? And this one will stay messy for a wee bit longer.

What did I find? You are asking. Well’ I’ll tell you.

I found a mould kit that allows you to make a plaster cast footballer.

You’re not that impressed are you? Well, maybe not, but it was the most exciting thing in the shed. And I knew it would help me out of the shallow rut I was about to get myself into.

The rest of this blog (when I get around to it) will be about my progress and success (or not) in creating a 15cm (150mm/6 inch) tall plaster cast footballer. And then deciding in what colours I would paint him. It may not be literary brilliance or indeed a riveting read, but at least it stopped me from having to vacuum the living room, the downstairs hall, the downstairs toilet and the hall stair carpet. 

To be continued... 

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